
ldproxy supports token based authentication for secured services. It expects tokens to be passed in the request headers as Authorization: Bearer <token>.

JSON Web Tokens (jwtSigningKey)

ldproxy supports supports verification of signed JWTs. If you configure a signing key, ldproxy will use it to verify given JWTs. Additionally, if the JWT contains an expiration time in the exp claim, requests with expired tokens will be rejected.

Other tokens (userInfoEndpoint)

Tokens may also be verified by sending them to a given endpoint by configuring an URL template, e.g. http://localhost/userinfo?access_token={{token}}. If the token is valid, a successful response with status code 200/204 is expected.

External dynamic authorization (externalDynamicAuthorizationEndpoint)

For secured services, ldproxy supports dynamic authorization by an external endpoint using JSON based XACML (see and

For a request with a valid token, a request with Content-Type application/xacml+json will be sent to the configured endpoint:

  "Request": {
    "AccessSubject": {
      "Attribute": [
        { "AttributeId": "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id", "Value": "johndoe" } 
    "Resource": {
      "Attribute": [
        { "AttributeId": "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id", "Value": "/collections/afeaturetype/items" } 
    "Action": {
      "Attribute": [
        { "AttributeId": "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id", "Value": "POST" },
        { "AttributeId": "payload", "Value": "e30=" } 

A response with Content-Type application/xacml+json that permits or denies authorization is expected:

  "Response": [ {
      "Decision": "Deny|Permit"

Postprocessing for POST/PUT (postProcessingEndpoint)

For services with POST/PUT/DELETE support, request bodies for POST/PUT requests may be passed through a postprocessing endpoint. The body is sent per POST with Content-Type application/json and should be returned either changed or unchanged.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""